Falsos amigos 2
Blindar vs Blind
Blindar means to armor-plate or to shield, and its adjective blindado means armor-plated, shielded, or bullet-proof.
Blind = ciego as an adjective, and cegar or deslumbrar as a verb.
Bufete vs Buffet
Bufete is a desk or a lawyer's office.
Buffet refers to una cantina, un buffet libre, or una comida buffet.
Cámara vs Camera
Cámara can mean a camera, a camera operator, or a chamber.
Camera usually refers to a still camera: una cámara, una máquina fotográfica.
Campo vs Camp
Campo means country(side), field, or farm.
Camp refers to un campamento.
Cargo vs Cargo
Cargo refers to a post or position as well as a charge in all senses: hacerse cargo de - to take charge, sin cargo - free of charge, retirar los cargos contra - to drop the charges against.
Cargo = cargamento, carga.
Carpeta vs Carpet
Carpeta = folder, file, portfolio, briefcase, or table cloth.
Carpet is una alfombra or una moqueta.
Carrera vs Career
Carrera can refer to any of the following: running, race; a row or line; a beam, girder, or joist; route, ride, journey, course; avenue; career; or university studies.
Career indicates una carrera profesional or una profesión.
Carta vs Cart/Card
Carta refers to a (postal) letter, document, deed, charter, map, or menu.
Cart is un carro, una carreta, un carretón, or una carretilla. A card is usually una tarjeta.
Chocar vs Choke
Chocar normally means to shock or startle, but can also mean to clink (glasses) or to shake (hands).
Choke = sofocarse or atragantarse.
Colegio vs College
Colegio refers to a high school, usually private.
College can be translated by colegio only when it refers to "colleges" as in divisions of a school. Otherwise, college = universidad or escuela superior.
Colorado vs Colored
Colorado means red or reddish.
Colored = de color.
Complexión vs Complexion
Complexión refers to one's constitution, make-up, temperament, or physical build.
Complexion = la tez, el cutiz, or la piel.
Compromiso vs Compromise
Compromiso is an obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement.
Compromise as a noun can be expressed as una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones recíprocas, el término medio, or la solución intermedia. The verb is comprometer or transigir.
Conductor vs Conductor
Conductor equals conductor when referring to science: un conductor de electricidad - conductor of electricity. It can also mean a driver or a TV or radio presenter.
Conductor of an orchestra is un(a) director(a), and train conductor is un(a) revisor(a).
Conexión vs Connection
Conexión is a physical or logical connection.
Connection when referring to human/emotional connections is una relación.
Conferencia vs Conference
Conferencia can mean conference, meeting, lecture, speech, or phone call.
Conference = una conferencia, una reunión, una asamblea, or un congreso.
Constipación vs Constipation
Constipación and its synonym constipado both refer to a cold or catarrh.
Constipation = el estreñimiento.
Contestar vs Contest
Contestar means to answer or reply.
Contest as a verb means impugnar, atacar, disputar, or contender.
Conveniente vs Convenient
Conveniente means suitable, fitting, proper, useful, or advantageous.
Convenient means cómodo, práctico, útil, or accesible.
Copa vs Cup
Copa = a glass or goblet, an alcoholic drink, a trophy (la Copa del Mundo - World Cup).
Cup = una taza.
Copia vs Copy
Copia is a photopcopy or other duplicate.
Copy can also mean un ejemplar (of a book) or un número (of a magazine).
Coraje vs Courage
Coraje can mean courage as well as anger.
Courage can be translated by el coraje as well as el valor, la valentía, los ánimos, and las fuerzas.
Corresponder vs Correspond
Corresponder means things like to correspond, tally, fit in, match, or belong.
Correspond translates to corresponder only in the sense of agreeing with or matching (e.g., this corresponds with our thoughts). When referring to a correspondence by mail, the Spanish translation is escribirse or estar en correspondencia con.
Cuestión vs Question
Cuestión is a matter/issue/question to be resolved.
Question is translated by cuestión when referring to an issue, or una pregunta when asking a question.
Culto vs Cult
Culto can refer to a religious sect or to a religious service. As an adjective, it means cultured or refined.
Cult = una secta.
Damnificado vs Damned
Damnificado = victim, from the verb damnificar - to injure, harm, damage.
Damned means condenado or maldito.
Decepción/Decepcionar vs Deception/Deceive
Decepción = disappointment. Decepcionar = to disappoint.
Deception = un engaño, un fraude. To deceive = engañar, defraudar.
Defraudar vs Defraud
Defraudar can mean to defraud or cheat as well as to disappoint or let down.
Defraud means estafar or defraudar.
Delito vs Delight
Delito refers to a crime, offence, or misdeed.
Delight = el placer, el deleite, el encanto, or la delicia. To delight = encantar or deleitar.
Departamento vs Department
Departamento means department, section; office; compartment; province; or apartment.
Department = departamento, sección, ministerio.
Blindar means to armor-plate or to shield, and its adjective blindado means armor-plated, shielded, or bullet-proof.
Blind = ciego as an adjective, and cegar or deslumbrar as a verb.
Bufete vs Buffet
Bufete is a desk or a lawyer's office.
Buffet refers to una cantina, un buffet libre, or una comida buffet.
Cámara vs Camera
Cámara can mean a camera, a camera operator, or a chamber.
Camera usually refers to a still camera: una cámara, una máquina fotográfica.
Campo vs Camp
Campo means country(side), field, or farm.
Camp refers to un campamento.
Cargo vs Cargo
Cargo refers to a post or position as well as a charge in all senses: hacerse cargo de - to take charge, sin cargo - free of charge, retirar los cargos contra - to drop the charges against.
Cargo = cargamento, carga.
Carpeta vs Carpet
Carpeta = folder, file, portfolio, briefcase, or table cloth.
Carpet is una alfombra or una moqueta.
Carrera vs Career
Carrera can refer to any of the following: running, race; a row or line; a beam, girder, or joist; route, ride, journey, course; avenue; career; or university studies.
Career indicates una carrera profesional or una profesión.
Carta vs Cart/Card
Carta refers to a (postal) letter, document, deed, charter, map, or menu.
Cart is un carro, una carreta, un carretón, or una carretilla. A card is usually una tarjeta.
Chocar vs Choke
Chocar normally means to shock or startle, but can also mean to clink (glasses) or to shake (hands).
Choke = sofocarse or atragantarse.
Colegio vs College
Colegio refers to a high school, usually private.
College can be translated by colegio only when it refers to "colleges" as in divisions of a school. Otherwise, college = universidad or escuela superior.
Colorado vs Colored
Colorado means red or reddish.
Colored = de color.
Complexión vs Complexion
Complexión refers to one's constitution, make-up, temperament, or physical build.
Complexion = la tez, el cutiz, or la piel.
Compromiso vs Compromise
Compromiso is an obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement.
Compromise as a noun can be expressed as una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones recíprocas, el término medio, or la solución intermedia. The verb is comprometer or transigir.
Conductor vs Conductor
Conductor equals conductor when referring to science: un conductor de electricidad - conductor of electricity. It can also mean a driver or a TV or radio presenter.
Conductor of an orchestra is un(a) director(a), and train conductor is un(a) revisor(a).
Conexión vs Connection
Conexión is a physical or logical connection.
Connection when referring to human/emotional connections is una relación.
Conferencia vs Conference
Conferencia can mean conference, meeting, lecture, speech, or phone call.
Conference = una conferencia, una reunión, una asamblea, or un congreso.
Constipación vs Constipation
Constipación and its synonym constipado both refer to a cold or catarrh.
Constipation = el estreñimiento.
Contestar vs Contest
Contestar means to answer or reply.
Contest as a verb means impugnar, atacar, disputar, or contender.
Conveniente vs Convenient
Conveniente means suitable, fitting, proper, useful, or advantageous.
Convenient means cómodo, práctico, útil, or accesible.
Copa vs Cup
Copa = a glass or goblet, an alcoholic drink, a trophy (la Copa del Mundo - World Cup).
Cup = una taza.
Copia vs Copy
Copia is a photopcopy or other duplicate.
Copy can also mean un ejemplar (of a book) or un número (of a magazine).
Coraje vs Courage
Coraje can mean courage as well as anger.
Courage can be translated by el coraje as well as el valor, la valentía, los ánimos, and las fuerzas.
Corresponder vs Correspond
Corresponder means things like to correspond, tally, fit in, match, or belong.
Correspond translates to corresponder only in the sense of agreeing with or matching (e.g., this corresponds with our thoughts). When referring to a correspondence by mail, the Spanish translation is escribirse or estar en correspondencia con.
Cuestión vs Question
Cuestión is a matter/issue/question to be resolved.
Question is translated by cuestión when referring to an issue, or una pregunta when asking a question.
Culto vs Cult
Culto can refer to a religious sect or to a religious service. As an adjective, it means cultured or refined.
Cult = una secta.
Damnificado vs Damned
Damnificado = victim, from the verb damnificar - to injure, harm, damage.
Damned means condenado or maldito.
Decepción/Decepcionar vs Deception/Deceive
Decepción = disappointment. Decepcionar = to disappoint.
Deception = un engaño, un fraude. To deceive = engañar, defraudar.
Defraudar vs Defraud
Defraudar can mean to defraud or cheat as well as to disappoint or let down.
Defraud means estafar or defraudar.
Delito vs Delight
Delito refers to a crime, offence, or misdeed.
Delight = el placer, el deleite, el encanto, or la delicia. To delight = encantar or deleitar.
Departamento vs Department
Departamento means department, section; office; compartment; province; or apartment.
Department = departamento, sección, ministerio.
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